Our newest pages are contests where people can submit their entry that has to do with the subject of the contest.
       If you have an idea for one of the contests the submit them in the 'Ides?' page.
Also the 'Winners' page is where we put the winners for the monthly contests.


       Yes, we have made a new page!  It is two diary's of the two leaders in a group called the 'Fuzzballs.'  They are different colored Fuzzballs.  They are unique and a new specie created be mankind.  They all have the power to turn into a human that they make up in their advanced minds.  They even have their own special powers.  They cannot talk in their real form (Fuzzball), but they can send messages through their minds, but only to each other,  Although they don't have eyes they can sense everything around them.
       The only Fuzzball that has eyes is Cherry.  She has major anger management issues.  She likes to drink blood, but the group tries to pull her habbit away.
       The main leader is Kailee.  She is most organized and helpful.  She knows how to live in the wild.  She is the main reason the got out of the laboratory they were created in.       We will get into the details soon.

        I will update the Cow, Pig, and Monkey story on the storyline sometime soon, too.  I'm not a very fast typer-- or thinker......

   Anything else we need to update or add to our website, please tell us.
